HM Wrath of the Machine Leader Board

Time Players (kills)
RDeCulous11, Xm0nk3yDluffy88, alimoeswi3, daverx, Ski-Ski-Kaboom, pullinclips
whYnoTx, Blood-Money-666, PBH5_Twitch, Blimphater, DamageCase86, gr8juan
MaMMa Appelsap, General Phists, Canadubstep, LA adderall, NIUEAN WARRIOR, SerPeanutButter, Wizrdy, evil gnius1
jeffyjaixx, tripleWRECK, DJPlayedYA, Hey_Fitzy, duce2256, Castor_Field
Jay42811981, xFOXY GHOSTx, IxMOONCHILDxI, GreaterCloud, XxSouLxGatheRxX, iElite, Mr Cornanator
Shemasian, X_KLUSIVE_SxIT, FemaIeDogs, ixKraze_v, sodank808, Toddy123
StayDeathly, x FaTaL X ReiDy, Former Osiris, X My 50 CaL X, Bing Browsers, UnhandyExpert, Gutzz27, Luca the Cat
Kenkuu, CK7, x Its TK, CHOPPERdave360, vl Taco, Lynx Nexo
justincane12345, noles315, Beastt_Pedro, S1MiL, Hewey_666, joelf150-1, CataIxst
lm Sorrow, EPC Klax, Volkynaz Marek, BLAZNDOOBS, EPC Lone Wolf, Im Bunchie
EPC Relentless, EPC Klax, Volkynaz Marek, BLAZNDOOBS, EPC Lone Wolf, Im Bunchie
VanishingHero, Flowidity, Apocalypse Ammo, itsCHIIP, JoshtheNotorius, Lxurious, My ProShot, A Greasy Hobolo, Mysticc Sheep
DocTeuR--SnAKe, ToyHishirO, mehdii10, Kisamaru01, En-Sabah-Nur82, Mokra_Vx
Shawnron_, Bruce2811, Slider779, TheSecony, Di_Genius, Icebear14
Iron-Rham, trs58, EvieMoon, iliBraNFlakeSili, ClassyGamer1, CaptainderpX2
Jolt-is-King, jerry46360, SirLancelot91, Fantastic-Sorrow, DirtyDizzyDez, FantasticEntity, nebezial
MAJINBUU_DGBZ, elbolli28, MIDR-_-ENDY, tuvacanoops, Beast-_-Mode809, ScaryHammer, elfueerte809, JackspiceRT11T_
N1gh7H4wk1301, SK892, Einck08, HerrGrinch, Nacrana, iFox7-Fire
Moto341, Tsar Karrik, Zesty Potato, xWhite Lanternx, Connor Malone, xRITZCRACKERx, SkyfireWelding, Firelord 127
Moto341, Tsar Karrik, Zesty Potato, TNH Hybrid, Connor Malone, xRITZCRACKERx, SkyfireWelding, Firelord 127
Im Her Guardian, EpsilonSirius, katvan7, matheosales, buffalo775, Feckless Style, creperminer123
killsey, Cdbfotografie, etxfighter, WickedGirl94, TimNeijzenOo, borgvlietterror
Bananas066, TeletubbyMan, Sumbooooooooodeh, Macvsog88, MzTwiztedRainbow, Gr8Rcr
FastestProject, NeweyF1, abzdeman, Badgf, AMER1400, Fineyoungadam
TheNightWalkerTM, AlMG-, Xx_Skay-WeedZ_xX, jeremy957505, F_UnkY_DamS, Gringho_Tonio
HEYitsBMK, oDePriesto, JustinOrbit, KobeeCFTW, Mau5-in-my-House, Palaegis
DrNuttyx, mertismael, Boazyone234, sdiam, murphym67, romeu_27, djfire1989, xiYoshi-_
Fear Embraced, Ai6, thelexluther02, Samwise XXVII, Hippie Grass, Odin3y3, KrunkHD1
TheCrunchyness, JM Micro, VANILA COKE, STn1ch, l iStreaks l, CAPTAIN2AMERICA
Jerry_Eire, ekimskoorb, xThe_W1lrusx, DREAD_S0LIS_707, BoxTheKnox, l3_itcher, MrSmith42273, rejected1_2night, KingParadice
armyman101, B3G4M3RCY-_-B4M, EmoToTheXtreme-O, djeterfan, Aedarys, SniperNADiaper
Knocks99, sealzman, zD LoGiiC, Zimman09, Krowe, Puh Destroyer
LegendofNg, TickleMeElmo_69, mrtruong, lcubbies14, Trevorki, ISpeakLOGIC, amorvillano
La Pretzel, Derqi, Buckle Unit, TheeLupus, TheTakenProdigy, Penn IV, XiL Destruction, THZBULITZBRN989, Lesbian Models, EPIC SHOT64, Glaviator
SmilinDestroyer, ll JOMAA v3 ll, WearyFawn514568, TraaMarkk, vFLASHv, Sillik79
JanHL, fripa_92, Xervexagon, Diddma, Unleashed1979, vanderuehl
FourFootNothing, ArcboIt, Lil-I3eAsT-, SkaIIy, psyCOLOrd28, Corpesman
Sora__Heartless, Dani140899, DasOlli91, Serc-san, TDOG-98721, futuresnitch, III_x3t1X_III, PingerPanda
justinator_kille, sarlius12, DasEndeKommt, oli-winti, Warlord221000, swizz_BABA, Nijo2013
ASaltyGuardian, BobJoeJhon, A Wild Goti, HUGAPUG84, TheAngelofKaos, Void x Illusion, InIt4TheSprtBlm, King Jamoh, Mobius Ripper, oG Yeah, Im Sam, BakerIsBeast166, Zinc EU, Wallesin, Zu v2
McFlUfFiN_15, Snowball90, HiiLLBiiLLY, SLICK--NICK, Skylinercr1999, HillBillyRage71
KenFSU, IRONX 91, Outlavv, the Bo, iRevery, lM MEGAN FOX, Andros
unspektakulaer, teddyboom1991, Infamous__Dan, loghic, Caesar_Dali, fightingfcb
BrothaWill, gmshorty322, JiNxM4rTiNs, MoFireFist, Kenny__White, DraconianReaper
Fernando_805__, ShAdOwKiLakilroy, kmac380, Cynbern96, xXMidgetTamerXx, JordanM1872, CarbonShotz23, DAYMimNICE, DONTTRIP_12
xsXex, KT-87-, Mahoosive6t8, III_beanz_III, iLCMann, UnitedTOM, VanShat, Clarkychef, eliasy37
flaminfart, Wip30ut, ShiningSpark97, JazboSVT, WESLEYSNIPES87, D3VIL5 REJECT
Massa Casey, Zombie XXXI, CaptainJanda23, Dough, Lord Death FTW, Rogue Aero
JUANO_DA_KILLA, gusvargas72, Back_Stabber90, balanceguardian, LilCodKiller650, Demuscle79
Xtrmin8r, TrueHaremKing, criminalrobot, xBryHD, Killer_hominid, grears1989